Scalabrini International Migration Network 斯卡拉布尼(中譯:嘉祿)國際移民組織網是一個天主教嘉祿修會所設立的非營利組織單位, 天主教嘉祿修會以服務與照顧移民為宗旨,強調倡議與保護,照顧與庇護,瞭解與對話,致力於移工、移民、難民與船員的福祉與權益。在多年不斷持續推動之下,在全球五個地區設立分會, 專司移民服務與研究工作,分別是:
1.美國紐約分會 Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc.
2.斯卡拉布尼菲律賓分會 Scalabnni Migration Center, Inc.
3.智利分會 Organizaction No Gubernamental de Desarrollo Scalabrini en Amenca-ONG Scalabrini
4.斯卡拉布尼南非開普敦分會 Scalabrini Center of Cape Town-No Profit Organization5.斯卡拉布尼義大利分會 Agenzia Scalabriniana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo-ASCS Onlus
Scalabrini International Migration Network (“SIMN”) was founded in June 2006, and originally included five organizations based around the world: the Center for Migration Studies in New York, the Scalabrini Migration Center in Manila, Organizacion No Gubernamental de Desarrollo Scalabrini en Amenca-ONG Scalabrini in Chile, the Scalabrini Center of Cape Town-Non Profit Organization, and Agenzia Scalabriniana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo-ASCS Onlus in Italy. SIMN had set up a Taiwan branch in June 2007. SIMN undertakes research, training, lobbying and advocacy in all areas related to migration in order to promote the dignity of migrants, to improve their treatment, and to empower them to realize their rights as human beings.
Contact Person : Linda Chuang, Director
Address: 1F, No.51 Sec.3, Chungshan North Road Taipei City, 104, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: +886 (2) 2599-5943
Fax: +886 (2) 2593-6420
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