Fund Raising
SIMN-Taiwan had presented proposals for fund raising.
1. The research of “Human Trafficking and Irregular Workers in Taiwan” was sent to Province office and British cultural Foundation. The later rejected this proposal.
2. The migrant posters exhibition was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair in Taipei. We got US.900 for this project.
3. The migrant’s story was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair in Taipei. The project was rejected.
4. The Conference on ”Globalization and Human Rights of Migrants”( was cooperated with PMRW) was sent to Ministry of Interior, Commit of Labor Affair and Ministry of Foreign Affair. And we got US13,823 from Taiwan government agencies for the conference.
5. Seminar for Philippines Spouses and Indonesian Spouses was sent to Ministry of Interior. The project was rejected.
6. Proposal for a Survey for New Immigrants Family and their second generation (Co.Grassroots Teachers’ Association) was sent to Ministry of Interior. We still wait for the result.