1. Information Campaign.
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD-Taipei started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on migration issue to the university students:
8 Jan., National Politic University.
24 Apri, Fu-Jen Catholic University
19 May, Fu-Jen Catholic University
21 May, ToWu University
12 November, GiNan University
20 November, Shishing University
1 December, DeMing Technology University
8 December, DeMing Technology University
11 December, ChungGan Medicine University
3. Education seminars for migrant workers and immigrants:
27April, for migrant workers.
5 July, for Indonesian and Vietnamese immigrants.
12 July, for Filipinos immigrant.
31 August, for migrant workers, cooperated with Migrant Workers Concern Desk.
5 October, for Filipino Chinese, cooperated with Migrant Workers Concern Desk.
4. Talk on migration to the civil society, government officers:
31 Jan., Democracy Foundation.
21March, National Communications Commision.
27 May, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
14 August, TIFA.
26 September, Datung Community University.
24 October,<Why do they migrant?>, Kaoshuing County Government.
5. Interview
4 June, students from ToWu University.
8 September, interview by Magazine Rhythms’ Monthly.
27 August, Hakka TV station.
6. Immigrant Lessons in Ludi College University
26Feb, 4March, 11March, 18March, 25March, 1April, 8April, 15April, 22April, 29April, 6May, 13May, 20May, 27May, 3June,10 June, 19June,24June.
● New Immigrant Children painting lessons:12Jan., 26Jan., 23Feb, 8March, 29March, 19April, 3May, 17May, 4Oct.;Visit National Museum: 29March
● Workshop for international family:13July
● National Migrant Sunday: Nov.9
● Seminar for DongHuai University Students:28 Dec.
● Participating ” Tune in on International Migrants’ Day advocacy”.