
Networking and Advocacy-2007

Up to the present, SIMN-Taiwan is an active member of Promoting Alliance of Household Service Act (PAHSA). SIMN-Taiwan is taking an important role in PAHSA’s lobbying
activities. PAHSA had changed the name to Migrants Empowerment Network in Taiwan (MENT).
27 May, Against Wage-Cut Policy Protest(Executive Yuan)
14 June, MENT Press Conference
1 July, Equal Rights for All, Minimum Wage for All! Protest (Council of Labor Affairs)
14 September, MENT Press Conference

1. MENT Meeting
MENT has regular meeting every month with different topics and advocated activities of migrant issues: July.11、Aug.24、Sept.21、Oct.8、Nov.9 and Dec.7.

2. Organizing the National Migrants Sunday with MWCD / St.Christopher’s Church 23 September

3. Together with MENT, organizing「I want a Day-off Rally」-----9 December, Rally of Migrant Workers

27 May, Against Wage-Cut Policy Protest(Executive Yuan)
1 July, Rally in front of Council of Labor Affairs
Sept.23 National Migrants’ Sunday

Dec.9 National Migrants’ Rally

