
Immigrants, right activist seek to run in elections-Taipei Times

By Loa Iok-sin  /  Staff Reporter
Longtime immigrant rights advocate Lorna Kung (龔尤倩) and five immigrants who call themselves “unqualified citizens” yesterday announced their intention to run in the coming legislative elections and started a campaign to collect signatures, hoping to raise awareness among the public and in the government about immigrant rights.
“We’re here collecting signatures and asking for support at St Christopher’s Church [in Taipei], because we think immigrants and migrant workers need representatives who can speak for them in the legislature,” Kung said. “Immigrants and migrant workers live in Taiwan, they make a contribution to this country, they pay taxes. Therefore they should have the right to speak for themselves in Taiwanese politics.”
While Kung is a Republic of China (ROC) citizen who was born in Taiwan and meets the criteria to become a legislative candidate, the other five do not qualify as candidates, according to current laws.
The five immigrants are Tran Thu Lieu (陳秋柳), a spouse of Vietnamese origin who came to Taiwan eight years ago and has obtained ROC citizenship; Carlos Go (吳自安), an “ROC national without citizenship” born in the Philippines and who eventually obtained citizenship after staying in the country for 11 years; Harry To Hu (呂廈利), another “ROC national without citizenship” who holds an ROC passport, but not an ROC ID card; Tony Thamsir, an Indonesian living in Taiwan who has an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate; and Wena-Ari Wu, an Indonesian who came to Taiwan as an immigrant spouse five years ago and now holds an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC).

2011.9.20 Newspaper


有护照无户籍 台菲侨:有国无家-大纪元

(中央社记者魏纭铃台北19日电)菲律宾归侨关怀连线今天到立法院抗议,指称有台湾护照却无户籍的菲律宾华侨,宛如有国无家。要 求修法,让拥有护照的菲侨,入境台湾免签证,合法停留3年即可申请居留证。





Overseas Taiwanese From Philippines Want Fair Treatment

ICRT news September 19, 2011

Overseas Taiwanese From Philippines Want Fair Treatment
A group representing overseas Taiwanese from the Philippines is asking for
changes to the law to give them more equal treatment.

The civic group is calling on the legislature to amend laws so that
Taiwanese-Filipinos who only have Taiwan passports be allowed to get national
identification cards too.

They say foreign spouses can get IDs within 3 to five years, but it takes
Taiwanese-Filipinos up to seven to get theirs.

They're also asking for visa-free entry into the country, and the right to
apply for residency after living in Taiwan for three years.

Without that, they can't apply for national health insurance or social
welfare, and have to leave the country every six months.

「無戶籍國民」 儼然成國際人球-民視新聞


菲華僑爭居留證 立委允修法




有護照無戶籍 菲僑:有國無家

  • 2011-09-19
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中央社】

