

Lorna has contributed articles and papers to the local newspaper and conference.

15-19 March Migration flows in Asia with specific focus to Indonesia, Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan was presented in The Conference on The Catholic Church in Asia cares for migrants in Taiwan, organized by ECMI Taiwan, Taipei.

24 April - Migration in Taiwan, was presented in The Conference on The Asian Meeting on Migrants, organized by the Daugthers of Charity in Asia, Shinchu.
18 May - Minimum Wage should cover all, was published on Coolloud News.
5 June - Ensuring migrant workers’ rights, was published on Taipei Times.
23 September - Safeguard foreign workers’ rights, was published on Taiwan News.
28 October - Protecting the rights of irregular workers, was published on Taiwan News.
25 November - Migrants have a right to a day off, was published on Taiwan News.
18 December - Look forward a new vision on migrant policy, was published on China Daily Times.
21 December - Foreigners still facing prejudice in Taiwan, was published on Taipei Times.

