For those who are R.O.C. Nationals without Citizenship(Filipino-Chinese with one nationality)and OVERSTAYED…………………
SIMN—Taiwan ( Scalabrini International Migration Network—Taiwan ) and Filipino-Chinese community based in St. Christopher’s Church lobbied for the rights of R.O.C. Nationals without Citizenship since last March. The outcomes from MOI (Ministry of Interior) are as follow:
If you are OVERSTAYED:
1. But You had continuously legally stayed before in Taiwan for more than 7 years with at least 183 days or more per year, without criminal records . You can apply for Residence Certificate (RC) after paying the penalty $10,000.
2. But You had continuously legally stayed before in Taiwan for more than 7 years with at least 183 days or more per year, and have criminal records.
You must leave Taiwan after paying the penalty and can come back right away, then apply for Residence Certificate (RC) after 5 years.
3. You are overstayed and you are not qualified for the above conditions,
After paying the penalty and leaving Taiwan, you can come back(No ban anymore)to continue your stay until qualified to apply for Residence Certificate (RC).
1. Application Form and picture
2. Identification Certificate (ex. Birth Certificate)
3. Passport
4. Police Clearance (Taiwan) / NBI Clearance (Philippines)
5. Medical Examination (valid for 3 months) 6. NT$400.00
( All documents from abroad should be verified in TECO)
We are not satisfied about this !!
There are still so many unfair things. Why we need to wait for 7 years?Why we don’t have the health card? Especially when we all know that it is very difficult to apply for the visa in coming back to Taiwan. Welcome to join us and continue the task for lobbying our rights!
Published by: Concern Alliance for Filipino Chinese - CAFC(2009/10/13)
**** CAFC closed Feb., 2015... SIMN Taiwan will assist issues of Filipino-Chinese in Taiwan.
More information:02.25995943 Linda/ Sahlie(Sunday, Monday and Tuesday)
*** Inside St. Christopher Church office
email: simntwn@gmail.com
FB and messenger: SIMN TWN