For those who legally and continuously stayed in Taiwan for more than 7 years with at least 183 days or more per year.
1. Application Form and picture
2. Identification Certificate (ex. Birth Certificate)
3. Passport
4. Police Clearance (Taiwan) / NBI Clearance (Philippines)
5. Medical Examination (valid for 3 months)
6. NT$400.00
台灣國際勞工協會顧問 台灣國際家庭互助協會理事 龔尤倩
種方式。由於全球化趨勢以及通信交通的進步,移居他處的人数已經大為增加。 在2005年,全世界已經有約二億的移民人口,他們離開自己的國家在海外工作或定居。三十年前,愛爾蘭、義大利和西班牙等國都是移民輸出國,現在則已成移民移入國,亞洲的馬來西亞、韓國與泰國也面臨同樣的轉變。世界勞工組織表示,亞洲地區正吸引了越來越多的外籍勞工。自1995年到2000年,约290萬亞洲移工,约40%是前往另一個亞洲國家打工。外籍移工在新加坡占勞動力的28%,在馬來西亞占12%。
亞洲的特殊性與變異性,使得亞洲移工現象呈現與其他洲非常不一樣的現象。亞洲擁有全世界人口最多的國家,如中國、印度和印尼;同時也有最窮(如尼泊爾, 年國民生產毛額1,310美金)與富有的國家(如日本,年國民生產毛額25,130美金);許多亞洲國家同時呈現移工輸出與輸入,例如泰國以及馬來西亞。
The Portraits of Migrant Workers in Taiwan
Yu-Chien Lorna Kung
In the 1960s and 1970s, labor intensive industries created the economic miracle in Taiwan. Along with the economic developments, the costs of land and labor soared. Taiwanese industries could no longer rely on taking advantage of the cheap labor released from the rural area. Transferring industry abroad became a tendency while the importation of migrant workers became one of the strategies for the government to request the industries to “root stay in Taiwan.” In 1989, the Administrative Yuan began to import Thai workers according to the Measures in Response to the Demand for Manpower in Fourteen Major Construction Projects. The adoption of the Employment Service Act in 1992 affirmed Taiwan’s migrant worker policy.
Therefore, no matter it is Taipei Metro, High Speed Rail, hospitals, or community parks, we see the images of migrant workers living and working with us. As of February, 2007, there are 341,623 blue-collar foreign migrant workers in Taiwan, which amounts to 1.4% of the total population or 3% of the total labor population. About half of the blue-collar migrant workers are in the manufacturing industries, while 44% care takers. The amounts of workers from Thailand, Indonesia, Philippine, and Vietnam range from 70,000 to 90,000 while those from Malaysia and Mongolia are less than a hundred.

Other Professional Activities by Lorna Kung-2009
1. Taiwan International Family Association (TIFA), Board Member.
2. Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Consultant.
3. Host of Listeners’ Corner of Radio Taiwan International.
4. Mediator of Banchiao Family Court.
5. Committee Member of Judicial Reform Foundation.
2. Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Consultant.
3. Host of Listeners’ Corner of Radio Taiwan International.
4. Mediator of Banchiao Family Court.
5. Committee Member of Judicial Reform Foundation.
Participation in Conferences, Workshops -2009
SIMN-Taiwan has attended and participated in the following conferences:
16-21Feb. The 4th Asian Human Rights Forum, organized by The Asia Center for Human Rights in Korea .
26—30Aug., Group in Conflicts-----The 17th International Group Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes
16-21Feb. The 4th Asian Human Rights Forum, organized by The Asia Center for Human Rights in Korea .
26—30Aug., Group in Conflicts-----The 17th International Group Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes
Networking and Advocacy - 2009
Up to the present, SIMN-Taiwan is an active member of Migrant Empowerment Network in Taiwan (MENT). SIMN-Taiwan is taking an important role in MENT’s lobbying activities.
1. Church Community
1. Church Community
- July 15, ECMI Meeting
- July 28, Taipei Diocese Meeting
- Nov.8, 1213 Mobilization Meeting
2. MENT Meeting
MENT has regular meeting every month with topics of discussion on important and present migrant issues: March.5、March16、May.14、June.18、July 15、Sep.28、Nov.11、Dec.2Formation - 2009
1. Information Campaign.
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD-Taipei started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on migration issue to the university students:
7 Jan., To-Wu University.
5 March, National Central University
30March, 6 April, DeMing Technology University
8April, Normal University
12 June, Culture University
25Nov.,Taipei Medicine University
30Nov,Pratice University
17Dec.,Normal University
1. Information Campaign.
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD-Taipei started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on migration issue to the university students:
7 Jan., To-Wu University.
5 March, National Central University
30March, 6 April, DeMing Technology University
8April, Normal University
12 June, Culture University
25Nov.,Taipei Medicine University
30Nov,Pratice University
17Dec.,Normal University
Publications - 2009
Lorna has contributed articles to the local newspaper.
5 Feb. Migrant Workers are not the scapegoats, was published on Coolloud Website News.
17 Feb. Against Xenophobia policy was published on Apple Daily News.
31 Dec. Call for Amnesty to those Undocumented Immigrants was published on ChinaTimes Daily News.
5 Feb. Migrant Workers are not the scapegoats, was published on Coolloud Website News.
17 Feb. Against Xenophobia policy was published on Apple Daily News.
31 Dec. Call for Amnesty to those Undocumented Immigrants was published on ChinaTimes Daily News.
Fund Raising - 2009
● The project of ROC National without Citizenship education program was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair of Taipei Government, and we got NT 20,000 fund.
● The project of New Immigrants’ Story was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair of Taipei Government. We got NT 30,000 fund.
● The project of Santacruzan was sent to Bureau of Labor Affair of Taipei City, cooperated with St. Christopher’s Church,and we got NT 20,000 fund.
● The project of National Migrant Sunday celebration, cooperated with St. Christopher’s Church, and we got NT 62,000 fund.
● The project of the Migration Information Systems in Asia (MISA) Project, cooperated with SMC, and we will got NT 18,245 fund.
● The project of New Immigrants’ Story was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair of Taipei Government. We got NT 30,000 fund.
● The project of Santacruzan was sent to Bureau of Labor Affair of Taipei City, cooperated with St. Christopher’s Church,and we got NT 20,000 fund.
● The project of National Migrant Sunday celebration, cooperated with St. Christopher’s Church, and we got NT 62,000 fund.
● The project of the Migration Information Systems in Asia (MISA) Project, cooperated with SMC, and we will got NT 18,245 fund.
The ongoing agenda of rights for caregivers
By Lorna Kung
Thursday, Dec 18, 2008, Page 8, Taipei Times
A few days ago, I received a phone call from a caregiver. She sounded frustrated and angry. She kept on asking me about her rights because her employer was refusing to give her a day off — she hadn’t had a day off in more than two years.
“Why they can treat me like this? I am not a slave!” she said.
Daisy is another caregiver. She enjoys a day off only once a month, but wants to take a regular day off every week. After she requested this of her employer, the lovely woman suddenly became cool and detached. She ignored not only her request but also her very presence.
This kind of conversation is a frequent part of my work, and that makes me sad and angry.
I won’t forget the sadness of Nancy, a caregiver in Taipei County. She showed me a picture of her three kids. Her oldest son died 20 years old while she was here. She was not allowed to attend his funeral. She was forced to abandon her family life, the most precious part of Philippine culture. I looked at her face and felt the pain and sadness — and persistence.
Thursday, Dec 18, 2008, Page 8, Taipei Times
A few days ago, I received a phone call from a caregiver. She sounded frustrated and angry. She kept on asking me about her rights because her employer was refusing to give her a day off — she hadn’t had a day off in more than two years.
“Why they can treat me like this? I am not a slave!” she said.
Daisy is another caregiver. She enjoys a day off only once a month, but wants to take a regular day off every week. After she requested this of her employer, the lovely woman suddenly became cool and detached. She ignored not only her request but also her very presence.
This kind of conversation is a frequent part of my work, and that makes me sad and angry.
I won’t forget the sadness of Nancy, a caregiver in Taipei County. She showed me a picture of her three kids. Her oldest son died 20 years old while she was here. She was not allowed to attend his funeral. She was forced to abandon her family life, the most precious part of Philippine culture. I looked at her face and felt the pain and sadness — and persistence.
Protecting the lot of immigrant workers
By Lorna Kung 龔尤倩
Sunday, May 04, 2008, Page 8 of Taipei News
You see them day and night at the vegetable market in Taipei County’s Sanchong City — foreign female workers who get up at dawn to work in the breakfast shops or clean cars under the scorching sun or late into the night. As the public waits for the economy to take a turn for the better when president-elect Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) takes over on May 20, it is this group of hardworking female immigrants that is the engine driving the local labor market.
A survey of the work situation for immigrant women published on the eve of Labor Day showed that language and race are the cause of much prejudice against these women as they seek employment. Then, if they manage to find a job, they usually have to suffer from inferior work conditions. Being immigrants and having to take care of their husbands’ family mean that these hardworking women often have to take substandard jobs.
Sunday, May 04, 2008, Page 8 of Taipei News
You see them day and night at the vegetable market in Taipei County’s Sanchong City — foreign female workers who get up at dawn to work in the breakfast shops or clean cars under the scorching sun or late into the night. As the public waits for the economy to take a turn for the better when president-elect Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) takes over on May 20, it is this group of hardworking female immigrants that is the engine driving the local labor market.
A survey of the work situation for immigrant women published on the eve of Labor Day showed that language and race are the cause of much prejudice against these women as they seek employment. Then, if they manage to find a job, they usually have to suffer from inferior work conditions. Being immigrants and having to take care of their husbands’ family mean that these hardworking women often have to take substandard jobs.
Other Professional Activities by Lorna Kung-2008
1. Taiwan International Family Association (TIFA), Board Member.
2. Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Consultant.
3. Host of Listeners’ Corner of Radio Taiwan International.
4. Mediator of Banchiao Family Court.
2. Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Consultant.
3. Host of Listeners’ Corner of Radio Taiwan International.
4. Mediator of Banchiao Family Court.
Participation in Conferences, Workshops-2008
SIMN-Taiwan has attended and participated in the following conferences:
● 15March,29March,12April,19April,26April Workshop on Marriage Laws, organized by Warm Life Foundation.
● 27 March Conference on Cross-culture case studies, organized by Taipei City Government.
● 14 June Conference on Labor Studies, organized by Social Transition and Development Department of Shishin University
● 13 July Workshop on Foreigners and National Pension, organized by TIFA
● 5 August Conference on Migrant workers in Korea and Taiwan, organized by TIWA
● 14 August Conference on ”Why they choose to go aboard?”, organized by Taiwan International Family Association.
● 26 September Conference on Employment and New Immigrants organized by Institution for National Policy Research
● 15March,29March,12April,19April,26April Workshop on Marriage Laws, organized by Warm Life Foundation.
● 27 March Conference on Cross-culture case studies, organized by Taipei City Government.
● 14 June Conference on Labor Studies, organized by Social Transition and Development Department of Shishin University
● 13 July Workshop on Foreigners and National Pension, organized by TIFA
● 5 August Conference on Migrant workers in Korea and Taiwan, organized by TIWA
● 14 August Conference on ”Why they choose to go aboard?”, organized by Taiwan International Family Association.
● 26 September Conference on Employment and New Immigrants organized by Institution for National Policy Research
Networking and Advocacy - 2008
Up to the present, SIMN-Taiwan is an active member of Migrant Empowerment Network in Taiwan (MENT). SIMN-Taiwan is taking an important role in MENT’s lobbying activities.
1. MENT Meeting
MENT has regular meeting every month with topics of discussion on important and present migrant issues: Jan.10、Feb.22、March.20、April.11、May.23、June.23、7July、28Aug,、 14Sept.、Nov.11
2. The government agencies.
16 Jan, CLA Meeting regarding the Household workers.
24 April, CLA Meeting regarding the household workers and Minimum Wage Policy
7 October, CLA Meeting regarding the Household Service Act.
22 December, Meeting with the chairman regarding the rights of caregivers.
1. MENT Meeting
MENT has regular meeting every month with topics of discussion on important and present migrant issues: Jan.10、Feb.22、March.20、April.11、May.23、June.23、7July、28Aug,、 14Sept.、Nov.11
2. The government agencies.
16 Jan, CLA Meeting regarding the Household workers.
24 April, CLA Meeting regarding the household workers and Minimum Wage Policy
7 October, CLA Meeting regarding the Household Service Act.
22 December, Meeting with the chairman regarding the rights of caregivers.
Formation - 2008
1. Information Campaign.
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD-Taipei started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on migration issue to the university students:
8 Jan., National Politic University.
24 Apri, Fu-Jen Catholic University
19 May, Fu-Jen Catholic University
21 May, ToWu University
12 November, GiNan University
20 November, Shishing University
1 December, DeMing Technology University
8 December, DeMing Technology University
11 December, ChungGan Medicine University
1. Information Campaign.
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD-Taipei started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on migration issue to the university students:
8 Jan., National Politic University.
24 Apri, Fu-Jen Catholic University
19 May, Fu-Jen Catholic University
21 May, ToWu University
12 November, GiNan University
20 November, Shishing University
1 December, DeMing Technology University
8 December, DeMing Technology University
11 December, ChungGan Medicine University
Publications - 2008
Lorna has contributed articles to the local newspaper.
1May It’s time to face the underground labors, was published on China Times.
23May Protecting the lot of immigrant workers, was published on Taipei Times.
5 Nov. Exclusion of Consume Voucher Policy, was published on Coolloud Website News.
18Dec. The ongoing agenda of rights for caregivers, was published on Taipei Times.
1May It’s time to face the underground labors, was published on China Times.
23May Protecting the lot of immigrant workers, was published on Taipei Times.
5 Nov. Exclusion of Consume Voucher Policy, was published on Coolloud Website News.
18Dec. The ongoing agenda of rights for caregivers, was published on Taipei Times.
Fund Raising-2008
The project of volunteers training program for foreign spouses’ service was sent to Ministry of Interior, and we got NT150,000 fund.
The project of Saturday Classes for immigrant children and the intercultural calendar for 2009 was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair of Taipei Government. We got NT$ 90,000 fund.
The project of National Migrant Sunday 2009 (is cooperated with St. Christopher’s Church) was sent to Ministry of Interior, and we got NT 93,000 fund.
The project of Saturday Classes for immigrant children and the intercultural calendar for 2009 was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair of Taipei Government. We got NT$ 90,000 fund.
The project of National Migrant Sunday 2009 (is cooperated with St. Christopher’s Church) was sent to Ministry of Interior, and we got NT 93,000 fund.
Other Professional Activities by Lorna Kung-2007
1. Taiwan International Family Association (TIFA), Board Member.
2. Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Consultant.
3. Mediator of Family Dispute, Taiwan Banciao District Court
2. Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Consultant.
3. Mediator of Family Dispute, Taiwan Banciao District Court
Taiwan International Family Association
Participation in Activities, Conferences, Workshops-2007
SIMN-Taiwan has attended and participated in the following conferences:
18July—22July Visit to Hong-Kong regarding the comparison of household workers in China, HK. and Taiwan.
9 September Against the financial proof!! ----Rally of Immigrants
18July—22July Visit to Hong-Kong regarding the comparison of household workers in China, HK. and Taiwan.
9 September Against the financial proof!! ----Rally of Immigrants
↑↓Sept.9 Rally
Activities organized -2007
1. 6-8 December, International Conference on Globalization and Human Rights of Migrants.(357 persons)
2. 20 October, Education Seminar for Indonesian Spouses.(23 persons)
3. 10 November, Education Seminar for Philippines Spouses.(54 persons)
4. Saturday Classes for New Immigrant Children(25 children)
EXPRESSIVE ART DANCING: 17 November、24November、8December、22December
DRAWING Lessons: 17 November、24November、8December、22December
↑Education Seminar for Philippines Spouses
3. 10 November, Education Seminar for Philippines Spouses.(54 persons)
4. Saturday Classes for New Immigrant Children(25 children)
EXPRESSIVE ART DANCING: 17 November、24November、8December、22December
DRAWING Lessons: 17 November、24November、8December、22December

Networking and Advocacy-2007
Up to the present, SIMN-Taiwan is an active member of Promoting Alliance of Household Service Act (PAHSA). SIMN-Taiwan is taking an important role in PAHSA’s lobbying
activities. PAHSA had changed the name to Migrants Empowerment Network in Taiwan (MENT).
27 May, Against Wage-Cut Policy Protest(Executive Yuan)
14 June, MENT Press Conference
1 July, Equal Rights for All, Minimum Wage for All! Protest (Council of Labor Affairs)
14 September, MENT Press Conference
1. MENT Meeting
MENT has regular meeting every month with different topics and advocated activities of migrant issues: July.11、Aug.24、Sept.21、Oct.8、Nov.9 and Dec.7.
activities. PAHSA had changed the name to Migrants Empowerment Network in Taiwan (MENT).
27 May, Against Wage-Cut Policy Protest(Executive Yuan)
14 June, MENT Press Conference
1 July, Equal Rights for All, Minimum Wage for All! Protest (Council of Labor Affairs)
14 September, MENT Press Conference
1. MENT Meeting
MENT has regular meeting every month with different topics and advocated activities of migrant issues: July.11、Aug.24、Sept.21、Oct.8、Nov.9 and Dec.7.
1. Information Campaign.
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on Taiwan migration to the various parish priests:
SIMN-Taiwan together with MWCD started labor information campaign to educate the migrant workers of their rights. It is being done 15 minutes before the Sunday mass at St. Christopher’s church.
2. Talk on Taiwan migration to the various parish priests:
3. Talk on Migrants’ Rights to the immigrants community:16 May, the Christian Theology College, Taipei.15 July, the Grace Baptist Church, Taipei
19 August, Trans-asian Sisters Association
21August, Spouses from Mainland.
26 August, Taiwan International Family Association, Kaohsiung Office
2 September, Trans-asian Sisters Association
Trans-asian Sisters Association
Lorna has contributed articles and papers to the local newspaper and conference.
15-19 March Migration flows in Asia with specific focus to Indonesia, Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan was presented in The Conference on The Catholic Church in Asia cares for migrants in Taiwan, organized by ECMI Taiwan, Taipei.
15-19 March Migration flows in Asia with specific focus to Indonesia, Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan was presented in The Conference on The Catholic Church in Asia cares for migrants in Taiwan, organized by ECMI Taiwan, Taipei.

SIMN-Taiwan was finally established on June.16.
Boarding members:
1.The board members of Directors:Pro. Lin Chin Xia、Saavedra K. Nunez、Fr. Leonilo Mantilla、Fr. Bruno Ciceri、Jong Zhe Change、Angela Chang、Tessa Cheng、Yu Nu Lee、Jing Ru Wuo
2.The board members of Supervisors:Roger Yang、Edna Chou、Manalo Roger Cortuna
Boarding members:
1.The board members of Directors:Pro. Lin Chin Xia、Saavedra K. Nunez、Fr. Leonilo Mantilla、Fr. Bruno Ciceri、Jong Zhe Change、Angela Chang、Tessa Cheng、Yu Nu Lee、Jing Ru Wuo
2.The board members of Supervisors:Roger Yang、Edna Chou、Manalo Roger Cortuna
Fund Raising-2007
Fund Raising
SIMN-Taiwan had presented proposals for fund raising.
1. The research of “Human Trafficking and Irregular Workers in Taiwan” was sent to Province office and British cultural Foundation. The later rejected this proposal.
2. The migrant posters exhibition was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair in Taipei. We got US.900 for this project.
SIMN-Taiwan had presented proposals for fund raising.
1. The research of “Human Trafficking and Irregular Workers in Taiwan” was sent to Province office and British cultural Foundation. The later rejected this proposal.
2. The migrant posters exhibition was sent to Bureau of Culture Affair in Taipei. We got US.900 for this project.
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